
Welcome to my psychology blog! As you browse, you’ll find articles written about various mental health-related topics, as well information about the treatment services I provide in my South Florida psychological practice.

Anxiety, OCD, and other mental health conditions can be distressing and confusing, but the right strategies can help you turn the tables on your illness.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

School Related Anxiety

Are you ready for school to begin? If you or your child suffers from severe anxiety, school-related transitions can quickly become unmanageable. Anxiety can affect even the most capable students and can lead to poor academic performance, impaired relationships, and even outright school refusal. Treatment can help you address existing problems or overcome small problems before they get out of hand.

Intensive Outpatient Therapy for Anxiety

My practice offers an intensive outpatient treatment program for anxiety that is evidence-based, time-limited, and designed to help you make rapid progress in reducing your symptoms. Separate treatment tracks are available for adults, teens, and children. Our goal is to empower you to stand up to your symptoms and take your life back in the shortest amount of time possible.

OCD Treatment

OCD getting you down? You should know that exposure and response prevention (ERP), a specific type of cognitive behavioral therapy, is effective for all forms of OCD, including Pure-O OCD.

Treatment can help you learn how to to identify and eliminate your subtle rituals and avoidance behaviors in order to supercharge your recovery and reduce unwanted thoughts, impulses, and images.

My Blog

Information is power.

Learn more about conditions and treatments relevant to you and your child’s mental health. Click here to access all blog posts on this website.

Remote Treatment Options

Although in-office treatment is ideal in most cases, not everyone has access to a local anxiety specialist. Fortunately, we live in a connected world, and technology provides a variety of alternatives to traditional office visits.

Prospective patients living in Florida, Missouri, and some international destinations may be eligible to see me for phone-based or online-based therapy.

Support Groups & Group Therapy

You don’t always have to go it alone. My clinic offers free monthly support groups for adults, teens, and kids with OCD. Check out our events calendar for the latest information on our group meetings. Paid treatment groups are also now forming to address social anxiety, panic, and OCD.

Pediatric Treatment & Parenting Training

Anxiety can affect individuals of all ages. Fortunately, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a non-medication based treatment, can be effective for treating anxiety across the life span. My practice offers CBT for kids and teens, as well as parenting training to help concerned parents become effective “anxiety coaches.” Eliminating anxiety is often a team sport, and having the right team can significantly tip the odds in your favor.

Interested in Treatment?

I offer outpatient treatment, as well as intensive outpatient treatment, for adults, teens, and children.  Call (561) 444-8040 to schedule an appointment, or visit my practice website for more information:

Center for Psychological & Behavioral Science

11380 Prosperity Farms Road #209A
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: (561) 444-8040

My Most Recent Posts

Scrupulosity Exposure Help?

Scrupulosity Exposure Help?

So this post is a bit different than my regular posts... Rather than discussing a specific aspect about OCD or anxiety, this post is a request for your assistance in completing an exposure. Here's the background... I have a patient with scrupulosity (religious OCD)...

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OCD Scriptathon 2017: A Group Scripting Experience

OCD Scriptathon 2017: A Group Scripting Experience

What: OCD Scriptathon 2017, A Group Scripting Experience Where: Our office! Located at 11380 Prosperity Farms Road, Ste 209A, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 When: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 from 8:00 PM - Until It Ends If you've ever practiced imaginal exposure,...

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OCD and Uncertainty

OCD and Uncertainty

These are difficult times. Lately, it seems, each week brings with it something truly horrifying. A shooting or an act of terrorism, a hate crime committed against an individual, a disease that affects the unborn. You can hardly turn on the news without hearing about...

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Although ROCD is often characterized by intrusive worries about your relationship, relationship OCD treatment often specifically targets the compulsions and avoidance behaviors related to ROCD (rather than the obsessions themselves). This is because ROCD treatment is...

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OCD Treatment: Back to Basics

OCD Treatment: Back to Basics

In previous posts, I have discussed various aspects of the "OCD Cycle," but it never hurts to have a quick refresher. After all, understanding how OCD works can help you see through its lies and help mobilize you to stand up and challenge it. What is OCD, and how does...

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Relationship OCD (rOCD) – Unwanted Impulses & Images

Relationship OCD (rOCD) – Unwanted Impulses & Images

This multi-part series of posts will focus primarily on rOCD, also known as "relationship OCD." Part 1 focused on obsessive thoughts that are common in rOCD. This part discusses other relationship OCD obsessions, including intrusive impulses and images. Part 3 will...

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