Group Therapy for OCD


Our first OCD treatment group met yesterday, and IMHO, it was an incredible experience. Thank you to all who attended and showed such courage in standing up to their OCD.

I was reminded anew how group therapy for OCD is so different than individual therapy.

OCD wants to separate us from others, to shame us, to make us feel hopeless, defective, and guilty… It wants us to define ourselves on the basis of things we can’t control and forget that we are not our thoughts.

After all, that’s how it maintains its power over us.

Although there is great vulnerability in putting your thoughts out there and saying them aloud in front of others, by doing so, we defy our OCD.

OCD lost a few battles yesterday.

Let’s keep this war going.

For those who missed our group, I hope you can join us next Saturday (8/17) at 1pm for our next session of group therapy for OCD.

Upcoming OCD Treatment Group Meetings