This multi-part series of posts will focus primarily on rOCD, also known as “relationship OCD.” Part 1 focused on obsessive thoughts that are common in rOCD.

This part discusses other relationship OCD obsessions, including intrusive impulses and images.

Part 3 will review common compulsions and avoidance behaviors that are typical in rOCD (relationship OCD).

Part 4 will discuss “Relationship-Focused OCD” more broadly in the context of other types of relationships, including friendships, parent-child relationships, and professional relationships.

As I mentioned in my previous post on rOCD, many people with “relationship OCD” experience recurrent doubts about whether or not they are with the “right” person. Many also infer that if they have doubts about their current relationship, they might secretly want to cheat (or will cheat). They may fear that they will be unfaithful, even if they’re committed to their partner and have no specific desire to cheat. They may believe that unless they can feel 100% certain that they’d never cheat on their partner, they are in the “wrong” relationship.

What Intrusive Impulses/Images Occur in Relationship OCD (ROCD)?

In my previous post, I discussed rOCD obsessions characterized by unwanted thoughts. However, some particularly confusing rOCD obsessions include intrusive impulses or images. These obsessions overlap extensively with the obsessions experienced by those with hOCD (which is more accurately described as “sexual orientation OCD“), pOCD, and other sexually-themed OCD.

Examples of ROCD Unwanted Impulses

ROCD impulses are experienced as distressing and unwanted, although sometimes the individual cannot discern if the impulse is something they actually want to engage in or not. Common OCD impulses in ROCD include:

  • Impulses or urges to kiss someone other than your partner.
  • Urges or impulses to sexually touch someone (other than your partner).
  • Impulses to break up with your partner.
  • Urges to scream or yell at your partner.
  • Unwanted, inappropriate impulses to grab someone’s breasts, buttocks, or genitals.
  • Impulses to cheat on your partner or have sexual contact with someone other than your partner.
  • Impulses to blurt out, “I love you,” to someone other than your partner.
  • Impulses/urges to ask another person out on a date.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Whenever I’m around an attractive man, I feel this overpowering urge to kiss him. These urges have gotten so strong that I’ve started avoiding being one-on-one with my male colleagues. I’m in an amazing relationship and I think I’m in love with my boyfriend, so I can’t understand why this is happening to me. Does this mean that I’m secretly unhappy or want to cheat on him?

These impulses occur in the absence of “true” attraction or a “true” desire to cheat. This is similar to how someone with Pure-O OCD or harm OCD might experience unwanted urges to harm a family member. Likewise, someone with sexual obsessions might experience unwanted urges to do something sexually inappropriate to a child.

Some individuals with relationship OCD also experience their obsessions in the form of intrusive images, which are often sexual or romantic in nature.

Relationship OCD: Unwanted Sexual Images
  • Sexual or romantic imagery associated with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.
  • Sexual or romantic imagery associated with friends or co-workers.
  • Sexual or romantic imagery associated with strangers.
  • Images of undressing in front of someone other than your partner.
  • Images of performing sexual acts with someone else you find attractive.
  • Intrusive sexual images of other individuals (e.g., seeing yourself having sex with someone else) while being intimate with your partner.
  • Intrusive sexual images of other people having sex with your partner (e.g., previous boyfriends / girlfriends, strangers, etc.).

My wife is the most amazing woman in the world, but I’m plagued by these crazy thoughts about my ex. I can’t stop thinking about having sex with her, and I keep comparing sex with my wife vs. sexual experiences I’ve had with my ex. Does this mean that I’m not over my ex-girlfriend?

Some images focus specifically on your partner’s sexual history.

I know that my girlfriend is faithful, but I can’t stop thinking about her previous sexual relationships. Is sex with me as good as sex with her ex-boyfriend? Is she as attracted to me as she was to him? She keeps telling me she loves being with me, but I can’t let go of the feeling that she had better sex with her ex. Even though I don’t want to, I find myself interrogating her about the specifics of her previous sexual relationships. I just can’t get over the fact that she has enjoyed sex with somebody else. What’s wrong with me?

ROCD images are unwanted, spontaneous, intrusive, and distressing, and many individuals with ROCD feel intense guilt, shame, and confusion over not being able to control their thoughts.

Questions?  Comments? Do you have relationship OCD (ROCD) characterized by intrusive impulses or images? Sound off below…