Long shower times? Just a quick announcement... I'm pleased to announce that with our recent office renovations, we now have a spa-like therapeutic shower room that is perfect for individuals with contamination OCD who have excessively long shower times. This room is...
Vomit Phobia – Fear of Vomiting (Emetophobia)
Flu season will be quickly upon us and with it comes an unfortunate increase in the likelihood of experiencing fevers, coughs, runny noses, vomiting, and the like. Although no one enjoys being sick, this time of year poses particular challenges for individuals...
Fear of Saliva Swallowing & Choking: Treatment & Symptoms (OCD)
Question: I have sensorimotor OCD, and I’m suffering from conscious swallowing. My main fear is that I'll choke or swallow my own saliva whenever I'm speaking or singing. Any tips for how to tackle this fear via exposure and response prevention (ERP)? Great question....
OCD & Contamination: Washing & Cleaning Compulsions/Rituals
OCD: Common Compulsions In my last post about OCD, I discussed reasons why people do rituals. This time, I'll identify specific rituals that are common in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) characterized by a fear of germs, contamination, diseases, and other...
OCD & Contamination: Reasons Why People Do Rituals/Compulsions
In my last post, I identified several idiosyncratic feared outcomes in OCD that are associated with contamination/health-related obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Obsessions are intrusive, recurrent, and distressing thoughts, impulses, or images related to these...
OCD & Contamination Fears: Feared Outcomes (Example: HIV/AIDS)
In my last post, I identified several types of obsessions that are associated with contamination/health-related obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These include the fear of: Germs and getting sick. Making others sick. Developing an incurable illness in the future....
Contamination & Health-related OCD: Obsessions, Fears, & Worries
What are common obsessions in contamination/disease/illness/health-focused OCD? OCD: Fear of Getting Sick Contamination- or health-related OCD is associated with persistent worries about one's health or the health of loved ones. Common obsessions in...
OCD guilt, shame, disgust, anxiety & depression: Why treatment sometimes fails (and what to do about it)
OCD isn't just about anxiety. Although anxiety is certainly a prominent feature of the disorder, clinicians who only attend to anxious symptoms can easily overlook some of its other core features. As a psychologist in Palm Beach, Florida, I work closely with kids,...